English 206: Business and Literature

Spring 2022. MWF, 11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Ferguson Building 202.  

About the Course | Assignments | Contact Instructor | Grades | Policies | Required Materials | Schedule


Calculation of Final Grade

The grades you earn on your assignments will contribute to your final grade, according to the percentage weighting listed below. I enter and maintain all grades in Canvas.

See the Assignments section for details and criteria for each.

In-Class Activities
Attendance 10%
In-Class Discussion Contributions 10%
Quizzes and Bits 10%

Major Assignments
Course Journal Entry 10%
Close Reading Essay 15%
Historicization Presentation 20%
Adaptation Project & Reflection 25%

Extra Credit

I will make a few extra credit assignments available throughout the semester. Their purpose is to incentivize you undertake some learning experiences that, while quite worthwhile on their own, aren’t suitable as mandatory assignments. Points earned for successfully completed extra credit assignments will be added to your calculated final grade after the semester’s end.

While their point value is quite small (like, 1 point boost to your final grade small), you may find them worthwhile as insurance policies just in case your calculated final grade point value lands between letter grades, as I do not round up calculated final grades.