Assignments: Quizzes and Bits


Quizzes: Correct responses to 1--3 questions per quiz.

Bits: Completion of assigned and very brief surveys and bits of writing assigned in class or for homework.

Due Date

Quizzes: At the beginning of each class for which a reading assignment is due.

Bits: As assigned.

The purpose of this assignment

  • Quizzes: Help the class meet the second most fundamental prerequisite for a lively and productive group discussion: having read the material.
  • Bits: Practice written reflection and argument in a low-stakes context.


  • Quizzes: Read the material before class, and then answer the quiz questions in the allotted time.
  • Bits: Variable per assignment.

Assessment Notification Timing and Criteria

  • You will earn points throughout the course for successful completion of each quiz and bit. I will record these in Canvas as they are completed.
  • Each quiz question counts as a point.
  • Each bit counts as a point.

Special Notes

  • Your lowest quiz grade is automatically dropped by Canvas.
  • Don’t stress over the bits. They’re there for you to have a space to practice writing down your thoughts, and to pad your quiz grade a little bit.