Assignments: Extra Credit: LinkedIn Learning Course

Final Grade Point Value



A LinkedIn Learning Certificate PDF, submitted in Canvas, that certifies that you successfully completed a LinkedIn Learning course related to your Adaptation & Reflection project.

Due Date

April 15 at 11:59 p.m.

The purpose of this assignment is

  • To introduce you to LinkedIn Learning, a valuable learning resource helpful for this assignment and likely other classes and projects.
  • To help you develop skills in the production of digital media using professional tools, specifically, the Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

Assessment Notification Timing and Criteria

Within a week of the due date, I will enter the grade earned. For the submission to earn credit, it must meet all of the following binary criteria:

  • Completion, Relevance: The certificate must be for a course relevant to the Adaptation & Reflection project.
  • Completion, Authenticity: The certificate must be an authentic LinkedIn Learning Certificate.

Special Notes

Submission of a falsified certificate, or one submitted by another class member, constitutes a violation of academic integrity and will be dealt with as such, following these procedures.


Log into LinkedIn Learning and find a useful course.

  1. Log into Penn State's LinkedIn Learning page.
  2. Use the search bar towards the top of the page to find a course for a topic related to your project. The site will display a list of search results.
  3. Above the search results, and to the upper left, click the buttom labeled "Type."
  4. Check the box that says "Courses."
  5. Of the results that appear, identify a course that looks helpful, is long enough to provide you with substantial guidance, and is short enough that you can actually complete it in the time you have available. I recommend a course that's 45–75 minutes. Click on that course name. The course site will appear.

Confirm that the course provides a certificate.

  1. Below the course site's video player, find the section titled "Related to this course."
  2. In that section, look for the word "Certificates." Click on it. A box will appear that says "Get a Certificate," and "LinkedIn Learning Certificate." Don't worry that you can't click on it now. You'll be able to do so after you've completed the course.

Complete the course, download the certificate, and submit it in Canvas.

  1. Start from the beginning, and watch all of the course videos. You may find this an easy activity to complete while you're doing something else (e.g. folding laundry or preparing dinner). LinkedIn Learning remembers where you left off, so you can always go away, come back, and pick it right back up.
  2. After you have completed watching all the videos, click on "Certificates" once again, and click on LinkedIn Learning Certificate.
  3. An option will appear for downloading a PDF of the certificate.
  4. Save it to your computer using a descriptive filename.
  5. Submit the file to this assignment in Canvas.