Assignments: Extra Credit: Business and Literature Sales Pitch

Final Grade Point Value



A Canvas discussion post written during class that attempts to answer one of the following questions, preferably following the "Attention, Interest, Decision, Action" organizational model that Blake mentions in Glengarry Glen Ross:

  • How do works of culture, specifically literature and film, represent the world of business and business concepts?
  • What do works of culture say about ethics, social responsibility, and the role of business in our society?

Due Date

March 4 at 11:30 a.m.

The purpose of this assignment is

  • To incentivize attending class the Friday before Spring break, a class meeting date that is typically underattended.
  • To attempt to articulate a big picture understanding of what we have read, watched, and discussed thus far.

Assessment Notification Timing and Criteria

Within a week of the due date, I will enter the grade earned. For the post to earn credit, it must attempt to answer one of the above questions, and be written while present in class.