Assignments: Attendance

Stay home if you have cold or flu symptoms, or believe yourself to have been exposed to COVID-19 (vaccinated, asymptomatic, or not), and email me to let me know this is the case. Such absences will not affect your attendance grade, though you will need to catch up with what you missed by meeting with me and/or corresponding with your classmates.


Your presence in class.

Due Date

Each class meeting.

The purpose of this assignment is to

help the class meet the most fundamental prerequisite for a lively and productive group discussion: presence of persons in the room.


Attend each class meeting and arrive on time.

Assessment Notification Timing and Criteria

After the final class meeting, I will record your attendance grade following this rubric:

0—3 Absences

4 Absences

5 Absences

6 Absences

7+ Absences

Attendance is necessary for individual and collective success in a discussion-based literature course. Students with 7+ absences may fail the course based on their attendance record alone.

Special Notes

  • Arrive on time. If you repeatedly arrive late, I will remind you via e-mail that timely arrival is required. After that, I will record each subsequent late arrival as an absence.