English 135: Alternative Voices in American Literature - Race, Ethnicity, and Magical Realism

Fall 2023, Section 001

Grades and Assignments

Calculation of Final Grade

The grades you earn on your assignments will contribute to your final grade, according to the percentage weighting listed below. Grades and feedback are distributed through Canvas.

Final grades are intended to reflect an assessment of your performance throughout the course, according to these weights and each assignment's criteria. While grades arguably have their flaws, they are an institutional reality that we deal with and I value exercising consistency throughout this process. So, I do not round final grades, including those that fall within one percent of a breakpoint between letter grades.

Click each assignment's name for details.

Routine Assignments

Attendance - 5%
Quizzes - 15%


Course Journal Entry - 15%
Close Reading Essay - 25%
Keyword Essays - 25%
Keyword Presentations - 15%

Extra Credit (EC)

Successfully completed EC projects earn points that are added to your final calculated Canvas grade. Because I do not round up final grades, these points might help you cross letter grade thresholds. Review the pages linked below closely. EC projects completed incorrectly in nearly any way cannot earn credit.

Extra Credit Projects 1 & 2 (essays) - 2 points each.
Extra Credit Project 3 (viewing and discussion) - 1 point.