English 135: Alternative Voices in American Literature - Race, Ethnicity, and Magical Realism

Fall 2023, Section 001

Extra Credit 3: AI and the Labor(s) of Writing


This assignment's purpose is to incentivize you undertake a learning experience that, while quite worthwhile on its own, isn’t suitable as a mandatory assignment.

You will watch a video or live event during a set meeting date and time as detailed below. You will then participate in a half-hour discussion with other students present.

This assignment is worth one point added to your final course grade in Canvas. This may be helpful to you if your final course grade in Canvas happens to fall near a break point between letter grades. As noted elsewhere, I do not round up final grades.

This assignment is not mandatory.

Event and Discussion Information

This assignment requires in-person attendance for the duration of the event and discussion. If you arrive after the start time or leave early, you will not earn credit. This assignment cannot be completed remotely.

On December 8, 2023 at 11:50 a.m., meet in Huck Life Sciences Building Room 007. We will watch the Center for American Literary Studies (CALS) event AI and the Labor(s) of Writing until it ends at 1:00 p.m.

We will discuss the event from 1:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Evaluation Criteria

I will evaluate this assignment on a binary: it either will or will not earn credit.

This determination will be based on:

  • Whether you attend the event and discussion in their entirety.
  • Whether you are an active and engaged participant in the discussion.